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SC RID Conference 2024 will be hosted at Spartanburg Community College on Feb. 2nd and 3rd. Join us Friday and Saturday for workshops featuring LaToya Childs and Shonna Magee!
This will be a Hybrid Conference with two tracks. The BLUE Track with LaToya Childs will focus on voicing and mentoring. The GREEN Track* with Shonna Magee will focus on ethical practices. Our closing workshop with LaToya Childs is open to all and will focus on creating a plan for your professional development.
*For those taking the GREEN Track, Friday's workshop, "Disability, Civil Rights, & Other Laws for Interpreters" is a required prerequisite. If you cannot attend on Friday, this workshop will be available virtually.
Hotel Information: The Four Points Sheraton Hotel is 1.5 miles from the Conference and serves free breakfast. The Conference room rate expired Jan. 6th, but rooms at the regular rate may still be available. Click here to reserve your hotel room.
Conference Schedule
Saturday February 3rd
8:00 - 9:00
Registration, Vendor exhibits and Networking
9:00 - 12:00
BLUE Workshop 1A: "Mentoring-A BIPOC Perspective" presented by LaToya Childs (0.3 PPO CEUs)
This workshop will use the analogy of interpreting being a journey for the mentee and mentor and we will discuss what both parties need to “pack” to make it successfully to their destination. Discussions of working with BIPOC mentees and mentors will also include strategies for implementation for successful experiences and how to minimize racial disparities during the mentoring sessions.
GREEN Workshop 1B: "Ethics of Interpreting Part I" presented by Shonna Magee (0.3 PS CEUs)*
Ethics are the foundation of the interpreting profession since we are in a position of trust. In order to function as an ethical interpreter and to be able to make ethical decisions, interpreters must have intimate knowledge of the tenets (and sub-tenets) of the CPC. This workshop will discuss, in depth, each tenet of the CPC and practice applying tenets to scenarios.
*If you register for the GREEN Track, please be sure you also register for the Laws Workshop on Friday evening since it is a prerequisite.
12:00 - 1:30
Lunch provided by SC RID
SC RID Business Meeting: All are welcome to attend. Voting Members can vote on Bylaws amendments and Board members for the 2024-2026 term.
2:00 - 5:00
BLUE Workshop 2A: "If Words Were Money, You Could Be a Millionaire" presented by LaToya Childs (0.3 PS CEUs)
This workshop on interpreting from ASL to English will focus on more advanced interpreting skills. We’ll look beyond the signs for the meaning, focusing on how “hearing people” say the equivalent message in English. There will be hands-on practice, so you will need headphones and a way to watch a video and record yourself, such as a laptop or tablet in addition to your phone.
GREEN Workshop 2B: "Ethics of Interpreting Part II" presented by Shonna Magee (0.3 PS CEUs)
This is a continuation of the workshop described above. In order to receive CEUs, participants must attend both Part I and Part II of the Ethics of Interpreting. This is a 6 hour workshop that is split into two sessions due to time considerations.
5:00 - 6:00
Dinner provided by SC RID
6:30 - 8:30
Workshop 3: "Plan For Success" presented by LaToya Childs (0.15 PS CEUs)
This workshop will discuss deliberate practice. Participants will develop their SMART goals to improve their interpreting skills, which will culminate in the creation of your own individualized professional development plan!